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About Discflo Pumps

Discflo Pumps has been a global leader in engineering pump solutions for the toughest pumping problems since 1982. Over the last 40 years, we've built a world-wide reputation as the superior pump provider for hard-to-pump applications. We are best known for our innovative disc pump technology; a unique laminar-flow, non-impingement pumping system that cuts maintenance and downtime, while increasing pump life. Our Disc Pump has been proven to pump abrasives with minimal wear, pump efficiently at viscosity over 10,000 cPs, handle large/stringy solids without clogging, and pump water or oil fluids without emulsifying. Discflo Pumps leads the world in slurry, abrasive, cantilever, and wastewater pumps, and we've been replacing centrifugal, eccentric, progressive cavity, lobe, gear, and even chopper pumps in many industries.

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  • Discflo Pumps